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Stewardship at St. Mark Parish

"The promotion of the practice of stewardship is important for the mission of the Church and for the spiritual well-being of each individual Christian.  Everyone benefits from the sacrificial gift one makes of his time, talent and treasure"   His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI

Stewardship is as old as the Old Testament and an integral part of our faith today.  A Christian steward is “One who receives Gods gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord”.

The long term viability of St. Mark parish depends upon the parishioners' support, in the form of their time, talents or treasure. There are opportunities for you to support the various parish groups and ministries with your time and talent throughout the year. Please contact the rectory if you wish to become more involved. You can also support the parish financially by clicking here and making an online donation. With your support and involvement, St. Mark will continue to serve the community the way it has for over 100 years.