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Effective December 2023

Weekend Masses

  • Saturday: 
    • 4:00 PM St. Mark
  • ​​​​​​​Sunday:
    • 8:00 AM St. Mark
    • 10:30 AM St. Rose

Check the bulletin for the full schedule of Masses at the Catholic Community of Buffalo, North family of parishes.

Welcome to the Parishes of Saint Mark & Saint Rose of Lima


News & Events


For the most current information, please visit Catholic Community of Buffalo, North Family webpage.

Donate Electronically

Online Giving (We Share)
If you are setting up an account:

  1. Click on “Create an Account”
  2. At the top of the page, click “Give Now”
  3. Click on St. Rose of Lima
  4. Click on “Recurring”
  5. Click on “Regular”
  6. Add amount you would like to give
  7. Add frequency of gift
    • Weekly
    • Bi-Weekly
    • Twice monthly
    • Monthly
  8. Pick start date
  9. Choose method of payment
  10. Add billing information

To make changes to you donation:

  1. Click on “Scheduled” at top of the page
  2. Click on “Recurring”
  3. Click on the “pencil” to edit
  4. Make any change you would like to account
    • Amount
    • Frequency
    • Which date of the month you would like the donation made
    • Payment options
  5. Click “Save”

Our Mission

The parishes of St. Mark and St. Rose of Lima were linked together in the Fall of 2010, in accordance with the Journey in Faith & Grace. The parishes operate independently. although with a great deal (and increasing instances) of collaboration.

While some day the parish councils may come together to write a joint Mission Statement, it may be difficult to improve on the one that we can find in Matthew:

Going therefore, teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Mt. 28: 19-20.